Madolyn & Eric

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Waiting Game

So... clearly Eric and I are a little too excited for our honeymoon trip to Disneyland. I came home last night after a crappy day at work, and we decided to have one of those hermit type of nights that involves eating Hungry Howie's and Netflixing it up. My taste in movies is kind of like the cravings of a pregnant woman. Most people can watch any movie on any day... but not me... ohhh no. With me I am very very picky about what movie I am in the mood for. It's a little OCD and I think it drives Eric crazy. For some reason, when the right movie is suggested I just know right away. Until then, however, it sounds a little like this; Eric: How bout this one? Madolyn: Nope. Eric: But you said you wanted to see it! Madolyn: I do but just not right now. Eric: AGGGGG!!!!

On that particular night, we had exhausted all options until we went into the documentary section of netflix. I convinced Eric to let me watch River Monsters for about ten minutes until I got my fill of cool dinosaur creatures. After that, I knew Eric was getting restless as he doesn't find prehistoric river creatures nearly as exciting as I do (go figure). We went into the documentary section again and that was when we found it. "The Secrets of Disneyland"...

And that was how we spend our Friday night watching a documentary on Disneyland and getting way too excited for our trip. We will be honeymooning there over Halloween and when the Halloween section of the documentary came up I might have freaked out a little. Okay. A lot. We found our tickets (given to us last year by my wonderful future Mother and Father In Law) and sat with them there on our laps while we watched. October just get here already. Please!!!!


  1. Disneyland really is a magical place. Now that you know the secrets you will have even more fun.
